Welcome to the official website of the Missionary Servants of the Poor

Daily Prayer


I adore you, oh Lord, with all my faith and humility. You are my refuge, my hope, and my love. You are Jesus Christ, true Son of the Eternal Father and true Son of the Virgin Mary. I believe you under the Eucharistic Species, really, substantially present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.


O most benign Lord and Redeemer of my soul, I believe that you are truly present in the adorable Host, true Man and true God, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Therefore I adore you with the most sincere respects of my heart, and I join my adorations with all the adorations that are given to you by all the blessed in heaven and by all the just on earth.

I thank you, my Jesus, and I also invite all the creatures of heaven and earth to me, to thank you for the immense charity you have had by incarnating and dying for me, remaining for my food and refreshment in the divine Sacrament of the Eucharist until the consummation of time.

I accuse myself and full of confusion I repent of my sins; And why did I dare to offend you so much, or infinite goodness?

To you I consecrate my soul and my body, my potentials and my senses, how much I have, how much I am, how much I can. May this poor heart be yours and not mine.

In the meantime, my Good, I ask you to grant me a lively faith, a firm hope, an ardent charity, a very bitter contrition, the great gift of final perseverance.

Please help my spiritual and temporal needs and those of my community and my family; to confirm in your grace the righteous, to convert the sinners, to console the afflicted, to comfort the dying, to pity the souls in purgatory, for which I offer you the merits of your most precious Blood.


Very kind Father Giacomo Cusmano, who consumed your life in the love and service of Christ Jesus in the person of the Poor, teach us to implement in our lives the “New Commandment” of the Lord, through the loving practice of the Works of Mercy.

Help us rediscover the joy of service to reach “faith by means of Charity”.

Free us from feeling so poor that we cannot give anything or are so rich that we cannot receive.

Make us able to share with others what we have and what we are in a spirit of true communion.

Obtain for us that, by loving and serving, on your example, Christ hidden in the mystery of the Poor, we can one day contemplate Him and possess Him forever with You in the home of the Father. Amen.


Sweet Jesus, who believe that even a minimum act is done to you that works in favor of the Poor and that you inspired an unlimited charity to the Heart of our Founder, Blessed James Cusmano, sends to this holy Institute souls who understand the sublimity of their vocation.

Souls of faith who see and love you in every Poor, in all the stages of life, from childhood to old age.

Generous souls detached from everything that offering themselves in pure holocaust, they do not dwell in front of the sacrifice, but they rush there with ardor and treat the Poor, with that tender religious reverence that they would use if they were in contact with your Divine Person.

Enlightened souls, who by consuming their existence in the darkness of assiduous work, serving orphans, the poor, the suffering, understand the very noble purpose of following your sacrosanct footsteps: curing and healing bodies to attract souls to you.

Or Jesus who for a long time has given us the sublime gift of vocation, revive our faith, rekindle the ardor of the primitive spirit, so that we can accelerate our steps towards the glorious goal destined for the souls who have perfectly immolated themselves in the service of the Poor. Amen