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Message to the brethren – XVII General Chapter

Dear Confreres,

“May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (Cf. 2 Cor 13.13).

A warm and affectionate greeting comes to you from San Vittorino Romano where we gathered on the evening of Sunday, July 14, to begin the work of our 17th General Chapter on the theme: “Journeying with the Church under the sign of synodality and the ‘apostolic mission’ of propagating the faith through Charity.” We are hosted in the House of the Oblate Sisters of the Virgin Mary of Fatima, adjacent to the Shrine of the same name.

In the context of the Spotian Year, the first day was dedicated to our Blessed Martyr and animated by our confrere Msgr. Vincenzo Bertolone, Bishop Emeritus of Catanzaro-Squillace and Postulator of the Cause of Canonization, who helped us to reflect, first of all, on the clear witness of life of the seventh successor of the Founder and his heroic donation in martyrdom not only of blood but of daily life spent in the fulfilment of one’s duty. In the following meeting, he spoke to us about the exercise of authority among confreres and how to refer to higher authority following the directives of the Magisterium. 


The second day was dedicated to spiritual retreat and was guided by Father Mauro Oliva ovm, exhorting us to rediscover the love of God the Father, which is revealed in his Son made poor for us and present in the Poor, just as Cusmano discovered it and left it to us as a charism in the “double mission.” In the second meditation he insisted on not losing the yearning for holiness, letting ourselves be shaped by charity, in mutual respect and listening without prejudice.

At the beginning of the work, on Wednesday, July 17, the Most Rev. Superior General Father Salvatore Russo informed us of the request of four capitular confreres of the Province “Notre Dame de l’Espérance” (PNDE) to participate by electronic means, having serious difficulties in reaching the venue and, at the same time, he told us that he had asked our Dicastery how to behave in this regard; he also informed us about the resignation of Brother Clement (Luciano) Ruffino, a member of the Province “Mother of Mercy,” for health reasons.

The Chapter work, then, began and was proceeded according to the established agenda with the choice of the Moderator, Secretary and Scrutineers; with the three Reports of the outgoing Government and the examination of them by the Commissions; with the taking of the Proposals sent to the Pre-Chapter Commission and the examination of some of them.

In the interventions that followed, special attention was given to the conduct of the International Students House in Rome-Torre Gaia; to the need for greater knowledge of the Founder and the charism; to the restarting of the “Mother of Mercy” Province; to the situation of Biringi, of the Shrine in Erira, and of the community in Kampala. The relevant directives that emerged from the discussion are collected in the “Deliberations” that we bring to your attention so that you may be aware of them and, according to personal responsibility, there may be a due commitment to implement them. 


It was very interesting to know the locations of the communities, the projects, the needs of each congregational reality: beyond problems or difficulties they show us a Congregation that is alive and present.

On July 22, our Dicastery, urged to give us an answer, wrote us that the electronic way is not allowed and that for the validity of the Chapter Acts, the presence of two-thirds of those entitled is sufficient.

The Assembly then focuses on a proposal of the Superior General: Article 126 of the Constitutions allows us to replace the absent members, why not invite the confrere who follows immediately after and who has the possibility of reaching the Chapter headquarters, so that the PNDE can be a little better integrated in its representation?

A wide debate ensues, at the end of which, a favourable opinion is expresses with a qualified majority; therefore, two confreres who are currently in Italy are invited: Father Jean Marie Kalombo and Brother Jean Pierre Latigo. The latter declined to participate as he was engaged in assisting his sick confrere Father Evariste Alimange.

Having finished the examination of the items placed on the agenda, we moved on to the election of the Superior General and Councillors. Rev. Fr. Hélio Meira Augusto was elected to lead the congregation and Fathers André Anguyo Djurua, John Passantino, Ronald Ignacio and Jude Thadevus Ambatt were elected as Vicar General and first councillor, second councillor, third councillor and fourth councillor respectively.


On the two Sundays we went for a walk to the nearby city of Tivoli and to Nettuno where we celebrated at the Shrine of Santa Maria delle Grazie and Santa Maria Goretti, visiting the place of martyrdom in the afternoon.

On July 31, as scheduled, Rev. Superior General, after thanksgiving and the ritual formula, declared this 17th General Chapter closed.

We are sure that you have followed us and accompanied us with your prayers ensuring the smooth running of the community commitments: thank you! We have been called, and always will be, to be living stones in the holy Church and in the Congregation.

We greet you all the best in the Lord Jesus.

San Vittorino Romano, July 31, 2024.

The Chapter Brothers


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