Welcome to the official website of the Missionary Servants of the Poor

The Lord has indeed done great things for us!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came forth into the light I anointed you.” (Jer. 1, 4-5)

These words of the prophet Jeremiah help to express the joy with which our hearts are filled: the Lord has indeed done great things for us.

On November 21, this year the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe, our Congregation commemorated the 134th year of its Foundation. The solemn celebration, presided over by our Superior General Father Salvatore Russo, was attended by many priests, who had come for this occasion. On this day we consecrated our lives forever to the Lord, to the Church and to our brothers, according to the spirit and charism of our Founder, Blessed James Cusmano. These moments of joy are the fruit of a journey that lasted years; years of sacrifice, study, self-denial and vocational discernment that led us to say our “yes” and to consecrate ourselves to Him in perpetually in the Congregation. There are many feelings present in our hearts that we cannot express in words. First of all, our gratitude to the Lord, who has called us to follow Him more closely; then gratitude to our parents and families and especially to our Superiors, who have guided and accompanied us on this particular journey. We especially remember the moments of fraternity lived in our communities with all our confreres, welcoming and sharing our differences. For our part, we have been committed from the first moments, seeking the will of the Lord and above all trying to put it into practice in our daily lives. Unforgettable and formative for us were the moments we lived in pastoral service, moments that allowed us to relate and get to know many new people. We hope and desire to continue and go forward, with perseverance, constancy and trust in the Lord, who with our collaboration, will bring to completion what He has begun in us!

Brothers Christal Bai and Ronel S.d.P.


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