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Perpetual Profession

Wednesday, June 24, 2020, the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, was another very important day for our community in Ivisan. In fact, Brother Renato Viray Arabia was able to issue the Perpetual Vows, after they were postponed last March due to the coronavirus.

General Councilor Father Ronald Diaz Ignacio, Delegate from the Superior General, still stuck in the Philippines for the same reason, presided at the Eucharistic celebration and received the Perpetual Profession of Brother Renato.

In our church “Mary Mother of Mercy”, some of the faithful of the “Mission Station” with all the members of the community and our seminarians gathered around Brother Renato to invoke the action of the Holy Spirit on him, the protection of the Virgin Mary and the Founder Father Giacomo Cusmano and to present him our best wishes for this important and decisive step of his life in our Congregation.

               Fr. Ignacio Bercades S.d.P.


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